Why DEI?

Various studies have proven the positive effects of an inclusive company culture.
Interested in the sources? Please check our latest white paper for more insights!

We are a consultant duo with a strong background in social sustainability


The suggested times can, of course, be adjusted to suit your individual needs.

In a package of 4 sessions à 90 minutes we support your strategy development process, for Diversity & Inclusion or your Impact strategy.


As TEDx speakers, we engage and inspire your audience to become allies for an inclusive corporate culture.

Keynote Speaking

A collaborative session with up to 12 participants, to work together on the strategy development or specific deliverables. See our workshop portfolio below.


We train and empower your team and/or your company’s leaders to become sensitized toward DEI, learn and implement new skills. Maximum amount of 12 participants per group. See our training portfolio below.


Based on your status quo, we strategically support you in developing a comprehensive DEI strategy aligned with your company goals, such as ESG or sustainability, to establish an inclusive company culture.


Curious to learn more?

Reach out to book a free and non-binding call with us!

selected references


Als Expertin für Diversity & Inclusion haben wir Désirée Jonek-Lustyk als Beraterin für die Begleitung bei der Erarbeitung der ZKW-Diversity Strategie beauftragt. ZKW ist ein global tätiger Spezialist für innovative Premium-Lichtsysteme und Elektronik. Als Systemlieferant sind wir weltweit einer der führenden strategischen Partner der Automobilindustrie. 

Frau Jonek-Lustyk hat die Strategieerarbeitung durch einen co-kreativen Prozess begleitet, bei dem ein interdisziplinäres Team im Rahmen eines Diversity Committees zusammen arbeitet. 

Die Zusammenarbeit war äußerst professionell. Ihr strategischer Weitblick und ihre Expertise in Sachen Diversity waren wertvoll, um konkrete Schritte zu formulieren, die wir in den kommenden Jahren weiterhin verfolgen.

– Sandra Simeonidis-Huber, Group Communication & Marketing, Diversity Lead


Vielen lieben Dank für den inspirierenden Workshop heute. Ich konnte mir viel mitnehmen und fand den Austausch mit Euch sehr bereichernd. Ich habe Euch als Trainerinnen sehr sympathisch und offen erlebt, vielen Dank auch dafür.

– Workshop participant via the Vienna Business Agency


It was my pleasure to work with Desiree on our DEI workshop for our team and raise awareness for these highly important topics. She guided us through implementing of a code of conduct and held a great interactive workshop. 

Her experience and knowledge were extremely helpful in raising sensitivity within our team. In a very short time, she built up trust in the team and shared valuable knowledge and awareness about diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

It felt very natural to speak openly and in a vulnerable way about every topic. I really appreciate her support and would love to work with her again anytime.

– Mateusz Szmalec, Founder & Managing Partner Good Life Crew

What is Diversity?

“Who we are, where we come from, and how we define ourselves does make a difference. We cannot pretend all of this does not matter. My goal is to raise awareness and support you with effective strategy & DEI measures to become an inclusive employer.”



Our Research

  • AI EMPOWER LAB: ongoing research about the rise of AI and its impact on the future of work. More information here.

  • Breaking Barriers 2024: Benchmark report on the status quo of DEI in Austrian’s small and medium-sized enterprises in cooperation with commonground.
    More information here.

  • White Paper 2023: 5 effective measures to navigate the shift to an inclusive & performing corporate culture. Good & best HR practices condensed from interviews with general, HR leaders and Gen Z’s. Find out which DEI measures are effective and what to consider in the implementation Assess your organization with the attached checklist More information here.

  • #wefound_Frauen gründen wirkungsvoll am Land: Resarch project via WoMentor, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). More information here.

  • Gleichstellung als Chance in Krisenzeiten.
    Deloitte u. WoMentor (2021). More information here

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